I'm a Frontend Developer with a strong
passion for building web applications with great user experiances.
Here's a bit more
about me.
I'm a 21 year old
Frontend Web Developer with a strong
passion for developing websites with great
user experiences.
I am currently working on
Freelancing Project and i want to learn from
a team consisting of some of the most
talented and
experienced Developer every day.
A React Project with, responsive designs that adapt to various screen sizes. Implemented state management using Redux. React Player for smooth video playback and Dayjs for time formatting. Data from TMBD using Axios, for a dynamic user experience. Used React Router DOM for navigation between different sections of the application.
To-Do List project is an application specially built to keep track of tasks that need to be done. This application will be like a task keeper where the user would be able to enter the tasks that they need to do. React Todo List using React.js with functionality local storage.
Hi, I am Gaurav Gupta. I'm a front-end developer. I love to create simple yet beautiful websites with great user experience and best performance..
I have been working on programming and development skills. Some
skills are : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Tailwind and
I'm interested in the whole frontend stack, like trying new things and building great projects. I'm in the journey point where i search for a job where i can put my skills in value.
I believe that everything Art when you put your consciousness in it. You can connect with me via social links.
Feel free to contact me as below:
Email id: gauravgupta2240@gmail.com